Anthropometric Test Devices are human like instruments, e.g. crash test dummies, which are used in the development of automobiles.
The ATD-MODELS GmbH was founded in 2009 with the experience of 10 years till today in dummy model development and occupant simulation. Our company's name stands for our specialisation in finite element computational models for occupant simulation.
We offer our customers:
- An especially shaped product and service portfolio in CAE occupant protection
- Professional and competent development of dummy models matching the occupant environment used by the automotive industry
- Transparent and open collaboration
- High flexibility in close coordination with our customers
- Commercial dummy models in the explicit FE codes ABAQUS*, LS-DYNA* and PAM-CRASH*
- Product support directly from the developers
- 3D laser scan, computer axial tomography (CAT scan)
- CAD construction and surface reconstruction
- From hardware to validated finite element model firsthand
- In-house dummy workshop
* The trade names are the property of the owning companys.