The ATD-MODELS product range
We develop commercial dummy models in cooperation with the German automotive industry.
We provide our FE dummy models to our customers worldwide.
The correlation of the validation load cases is reviewed and approved by experts from the
participating companies.
- Special modeling technology for the explicit FE codes ABAQUS*, LS-DYNA* and PAM-CRASH*
- Same discretisation and numbering
- Use of code-specific features in each code
- Special modeling technology allowing ease of use
- Consistent numeration and nomenclature
- Pre and post processing with same scripts
- Same usage for sessions and applications
The specifications of the validation were defined in cooperation with the clients. The requirements and load levels are sourced from the real world applications in the automotive industry.
- Relevant body regions are tested
- Component tests derived from real world load scenarios in vehicle testing
- Sled tests defined by loads relevant in the dummy development process
- Certification tests
- Material tests: quasi-static and dynamic with strain rates up to 400 1/s
Advantages for users
- Model structure is clearly divided into assemblies with systematic nomenclature
- Clear Prefixes in each title, part name allow for a fast adjustment into any load case
- Numbering designed to eliminate overlap in the assembly groups
- Benefits in pre and post processing
- Selection of assemblies possible with prefixes only - useful for post processing
- Each assembly group defined by itself
- Definition regarding the master, e.g. contacts relate to the assembly group
* The trade names are the property of the owning companies.